TRACE project underway
The TRACE project (Transport Regulators Align Control Enforcement) is now officially underway. The project is funded by the European Commission and it will be lead by VOSA (Vehicle and Operator Services Agency, United Kingdom). Euro Contrôle Route (ECR) together with CORTE is the main project partner. TISPOL (European Traffic Police Network) will have an advisory role on the project.
The aim of the project is to develop a harmonized training format for enforcers on the Drivers’ Hours’ Rules Regulation. This goal will be achieved through the development of harmonized training modules for officers responsible for monitoring the social legislation relating to road transport in Europe.
During its two year running time ECR will be mainly responsible for the review of the current training approaches in Member States as well, a recommendation on the training approach, review of the training solution and the organisation of the training of trainer courses.
05/08/2010 - 09:36