Belgian and Dutch transport inspectors conduct joint truck safety checks
On the morning of Wednesday, 27 April 2011, the Belgian inspection service of the FPS Mobility and Transport and the Dutch inspection service of the « Inspectie Verkeer en Waterstaat (IVW) performed a joint truck safety inspection. During such an action one checks the compliance with the obligatory driving and rest times for the drivers (tachograph fraud) as well as for the possibility of excess loads. The vehicles were also subject to a detailed technical inspection.
A stationary inspection was also organised at the border crossing point in Zelzate. Four Belgian inspectors and two Dutch inspectors checked trucks which showed signs of possibly being in violation. They were intercepted at the border crossing point on the E19 at Meer and Hazeldonk.
This mixed and cross-border cooperation between Belgian and Dutch inspectors took place within the Benelux framework. A similar inspection will be held in May at the border crossing point between Belgium and Luxembourg.
This cooperation within the Benelux framework is a successful action between neighbouring countries. It is a fine example that we hope will encourage other members of the European Union to fight together for safer roads.
Below you will find the result of the day´s checks :
15 vehicles were subject to a detailed inspection. The Belgian and Dutch inspectors performed these checks together by alternating between Belgian and Dutch territory.
The following infractions were discovered:
• 2 violations relating to the driving and rest times (for a combined total fine of 1,120 euros)
• 1 violation relating to the technical inspection of a vehicle (400 euros)
• 1 violation regarding the use of several tachograph disks on the same day (1,200 euros)
Results in Zelzate
A stationary inspection was performed here.
A total of 23 trucks and 2 coaches were checked by the Belgian and Dutch inspectors, by alternating between Belgian and Dutch territory.
One infraction was discovered: absence of the necessary tachograph disks (600 euros).
18/05/2011 - 09:34