C.A.S.H. - A reality Check on European Road freight Safety

14 April 2011 Brussels.

Mr. Gerard Schipper attended this event on behalf of the Executive Committee with TISPOL representative Mr. Bonthuis. ECR had been asked to take part in the event, because of their expertise on digital tachogrpaph fraud.
C.A.S.H is short for Connecting Authorities for Safer Heavy goods traffic in the Baltic Sea region. This EU financed project has a running time of 36 months (September 2007 until September 2012) and brings together various organisations in the Baltic region (Baltic and Scandinavian countries as well as Germany) to work together on improving the enforcement on heavy goods traffic.
The event featured interesting contributions from academics from the region and the ETSC that once again showed that 85% of all accidents involving lorries can be attributed to human error, 5% to infrastructure and 5% to technical defaults on the vehicle.
After the seminar ECR was asked by the C.A.S.H project managers to contribute to the project from the ECR tachograph working group TWG (a joint ECR TISPOL working group) in the form of specific trainings regarding the enforcement of digital tachograph fraud. In the near future further contacts will establish whether it is feasible to organise two to three trainings in the region.
The Executive Committee believes that participation in this project will provide an opportunity to establish stronger links with the Baltic region states.

Published on
24/05/2011 - 09:53

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