Multilateral regional roadside check in Zala county, Hungary

On invitation of the National Transport Authority and the host Zala County Transport Inspectorate a 3 days major multilateral enforcement action has been conducted on main transit corridors of southwestern Hungary from 15th to the 18th May with participation of 4 countries. The event has been attended by inspectors and road transport enforcement experts from Austria, Czech Republic, Croatia and Poland. Due to last minute administrative problems Romania and Slovenia were unfortunately unable to join the programme. Nevertheless the event - this time focusing on just the daily practice - turned out to be a great success as a continuation of our ECR exchanges organized in the two previous years. Check sites were situated along the M70 and M7 freeways close to the Croatian and Slovenian borders to be able to capture the flow of traffic from/to southwestern Europe. The results are speaking for themselves, namely out of 90 inspected vehicles in case of 13 vehicles problems were found regarding their technical conditions and/or cargo securing, immobilisation due to severity of technical defects had to be applied in 5 cases. 11 times have drivers infringed driving and resting times and/or tachograph regulations, in 6 cases alone by using manipulation devices. One driver resfused collaboration with the inspectors, so Police had to be called in for intervention and to cease the evidence, that is the manipulation device, which he succesfully managed to dismantle and throw away from the vehicle while waiting.
On top of these several ADR infringements (cargo securing, missing/incorrect labels, incorrectly filled documents etc.), one of them serious (transporting ethanol without appropriate vehicle ADR certificate) have been uncovered during the action week. In contrast just two occurences, one each, have been detected as regards axle weight and transport documents problems.
During the week, particularly on the full closure of the M7 the action has been assisted by the Hungarian Police, Customs and Directorate for Disaster Management (ADR checks), vet service and motorway management company (road toll checks too) in order to be able to conduct full scope inspection in all fields.
The above cited numbers and the efficient exchange of enforcement experiences, methods made possible by the programmes both underline the importance of continious efforts in this field for regular concerted actions to be increased accross Europe as it is already done throughout the year in the frame of Euro Controle Route.

The next round of multilateral check in Hungary is to be held from 12 to 14th June with 3 guest countries.

Published on
07/06/2013 - 12:24

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