On October 18th Euro Contrôle Route (ECR), the European Traffic Police (TISPOL) and the International Road Union (IRU) organized a seminar on the ERRU register that will enter into force on January 1st 2013.
The register is part of the 'Access to the profession' legislation package. For the first time competent authorities and enforcement authorities will exchange information on most serious infractions (and in a later stage serious infringements). It will no longer be possible for the black sheep in the industry to hide .
However promising the advantages of the system can be there are still some issues to be worked out in terms of implementation. At the moment only seven of the twenty-seven member states will have an operational system. The seminar clearly brought to the fore that in those countries who will be ready have implemented the system very differently. This could potentially present a distortion of the market.
Both enforcement and the industry are committed to have a system that functions correctly. It was this aim that enforcement staff, competent authorities and industry were brought together to look for constructive solutions in the short term.
The European Commission was present and drew the conclusions of the seminar.
Session 1 - Setting the scene and working towards a common interpretation of the Regulation on access to the profession Moderated by Phil Stokes, ECR |
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The objectives of the ERRU
Horia Nagecevschi, Policy Officer "Land Transport", European Commission, DG MOVE |
Challenges posed to a common interpretation of the rules, the cases of:
Dominique Steyvers, Legal Affairs Attaché, Ministry of Mobility and Transport (BE) |
Robert Mikulas, Head of Department "Goods and Passenger Transport", National Transport Authority (HU) |
Session 2 - Toward an effective implementation of the rules on 31 December 2012 - The weighting of infringements and the issue of proportionality - The impact of a possible partial implementation in the EU Moderated by Michael Nielsen, General Delegate IRU Permanent Delegation to the EU |
François Lavalette, Chef de bureau 'accès à la profession", Ministry of Environment, Sustainable Development et Energy (FR) |
Raymond Scherpenisse, Head Legal Affairs, NIWO (NL)
Beverley Bell, Traffic Commissioner (UK) |
General discussion on progress and challenges posed to implementation |
Session 3 - Toward a harmonised implementation and interpretation Moderated by Steven Salmon, Director Policy Development, UK Confederation of Passenger Transport and Vice-President of the IRU Social Affairs Commission |
Impact on cross-border cooperation
Ad Hellemons, Director TISPOL
Impact on the harmonisation of enforcement
Gérard Schipper, General Delegate, ECR |
Impact on competition
Marc Billiet, Head EU Goods Transport, IRU
General discussion with the seminar participants establishing particular challenges for Member States, control authorities and operators |
Conclusions and the way forward
Rémi Mayet, Deputy Head of Unit "Land Transport Policy", European Commission, DG MOVE
23/10/2013 - 09:37