Working group on checks of transport of dangerous goods

The Dutch Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate organized a three day event focused on ADR transport. The working group on checks of transport of Dangerous Goods by Road brought together ADR experts from across Europe (18 member states) to exchange practical knowledge and best practices for the roadside checks of ADR transport.

The event was kicked off by the new head of the Rail and Road Transport department of the Inspectorate, Peter Neuteboom.

During the first day the participants were given a comprehensive overview of how ADR transport is structured in the Netherlands. Afterwards there was a session on the information stream from policy makers to enforcement level. The ADR regulation undergoes significant changes every two year,keeping the knowledge of training staff up to date is a considerable challenge, especially in the current climate of budget and HR cuts. The item was introduced by Mr. Campognolo from the European Commission as well as representatives from the Hungarian, Dutch French and German ministry. During the afternoon session the experts looked at the most common technical infringements on ADR transports and their implications for road safety.

On Thursday it was time to get into the practical side of ADR enforcement when the experts went on a roadside check, where the Dutch inspectorate demonstrated its procedure for sample taking during the roadside check. Participants were particularly impressed by the sample taking and mobile lab of the Dutch inspectorate.

On Friday the first session was dedicated to the classification of ADR infringements. These infringements will be exchanged in the ERRU system, it is therefore imperative that a concerted classification is agreed by the Member States.
Afterwards the experts looked into the system of recognition by competent authorities.

Last but not least the final session was dedicated to the effect of the frequent regulation and ammendments to the ADR legislation on the supervision and enforcement of the transport of dangerous goods.



Working group on checks of Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road

organized by Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment

21 - 23 November 2012 - Rotterdam


by Hennie van der Stokker, senior advisor of Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate, Rail and Road Transport

by Harold Augustin, inspector of Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate, Rail and Road Transport 

by Gérard Schipper, senior inspector, advisor, specialist of Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate, Rail and Road Transport

by Frank de Vos, inspector, advisor of Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate, Rail and Road Transport and Hennie van der Stokker, senior advisor of Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate, Rail and Road Transport

by Arjan Walsweer, inspector of the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate, Rail and Road Transport

Published on
05/12/2013 - 09:01

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