Benelux countries tackle tachograph fraud during control in Dudelange

As part of a four day training organized by Euro Contrôle Route (ECR), Luxemburg customs officers, supported by seven experts from the Belgian  federal police and Dutch traffic inspectorate (ILen T), checked HGV’s at the busy border crossing  with France in Dudelange.


In the past there have been several fatal accidents involving HGV’s where driver fatigue was at fault. Only recently an HGV crashed into road works in Belgium claiming the lives of two road workers. Investigation showed that the tachograph had been tampered with. To prevent more accidents efficient enforcement is essential.

The Luxemburg customs department organized a training to enable their inspectors to carry out the complicated checks on manipulation more efficiently. They were supported by experts from the Belgian Police and the Dutch traffic Inspection (Inspectie Leefmilieu en Transport). The Dutch inspectors shared their new data analysis software during the control at the A3 border crossing.

‘The new software enables us to check the vehicle in great technical detail. This way we can tell whether, for example, a cable or device was put in place to manipulate the tachograph’, explains Guy Loesch, head of the Luxemburg customs unit.

Until recently inspectors had to rely on their gut instinct during a control. Enforcement staff check whether the distance travelled corresponds to the data stored in the tachograph en the average speed. Often drivers are tempted to tamper with the speed limiter and tachograph to enable them to skip breaks. Thanks to the new software the controls are faster and more efficient.

The training proved to be a success. During a five hour control no less that seventeen (17) HGV’s in thirty-six (36) were tampered with. The trucks were immobilized immediately and the driver and transport company were issued a fine.

You can check the press articles FR and DE here.


Published on
16/09/2013 - 12:59

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