November 20th 2013
Bilateral exchange between the Netherlands and Germany
From October 28th until November 2nd the ninth bilateral exchange between the Netherlands and Germany took place in Leiden (NL). Seven inspectors from the German Bündesamt für Güterverkehr (BAG) and six colleagues from the Dutch Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILenT) took part.

November 9th 2013
Multilateral exchange in Luxemburg
During the first week of October, the Customs Office invited colleagues from 14 member states of the Euro Contrôle Route network for training sessions and workshops.

October 30th 2013
ECR-TISPOL Master Class on Digital Tachograph Fraud and Speed Limiter manipulation
Euro Contrôle Route (ECR) and TISPOL hosted the eigth master class on digital tachograph fraud in Osnabruck from October 22nd until 26th . The Osnabruck police chief and Mr. Maiwormfrom the BAG opened proceedings and in their opening speech stressed the importance of well trained enforcement staff in light of the ever increasing problem of tachograph manipulation.

September 29th 2013
Practical day between TachoWebGroup and European Commission – DG Move
As a result of the contructive and open dialogue between the policy makers of the European Commission (EC) and the TWG working group of ECR/Tispol, the EC requested the TWG to organise a 1 day training on roadside checks on social legislation for professional raod transport.

September 21st 2013
This year Euro Contrôle Route multilateral exchange in Poland was held in Opole between 2nd and 7th September 2012. Exchange was focused on weight checks - dynamic and stationary check methods using pre-selection and impact of overloaded vehicles on the degradation of road infrastructure

September 21st 2013
TWG provides 3 training courses on enforcement
TWG provides 3 training courses on enforcement of the Digital Tachograph and methods of fraud and manipulation detection.
At the request of the project management of CASH , TWG has trained a first group of control officers in the Baltic Sea region. On September 7th and 8th the first training took place in Tallinn (Estonia). Three members of TWG trained 19 control officers on several aspects in the complex field of the Digital Tachograph enforcement.

September 16th 2013
Benelux countries tackle tachograph fraud during control in Dudelange
As part of a four day training organized by Euro Contrôle Route (ECR), Luxemburg customs officers, supported by seven experts from the Belgian federal police and Dutch traffic inspectorate (ILen T), checked HGV’s at the busy border crossing with France in Dudelange.

September 13th 2013
Euro Contrôle Route and TISPOL continue to target digital tachograph fraud
For Euro Contrôle route and TISPOL the enforcement of driver’s hours rules and more particularly the digital tachograph has always been a staple of the cooperation.
A joint working group, the TWG group, brings together experts from the police and inspectorates to exchange information, train enforcement staff and raise awareness of the problem with both the industry and policy makers.

July 19th 2013
Czech-Slovenian-Hungarian joint action in Southwestern Hungary
As part of our yearly bilateral exchanges planned with the Czech colleagues we performed from the 27th to 29th June in Zala county a series of common roadside checks targeting mainly tachograph manipulations with the support of the local transport inspectorate as well as our manipulation expert.

July 18th 2013
Multilateral Cross border check
6 countries (Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia) have participated at
regional check organized for the 3rd year in a row in southwestern Hungary with the kind support of Zala county Transport Inspectorate and local police, customs.