July 15th 2013
Slovakian-Hungarian seminar on tachograph manipulations
On the invitation of the Slovak Labour Inspectorate the Hungarian Transport Authority with the kind support of Vas County Transport Inspectorate’s manipulation expert delivered in Malá Lucivna, Slovakia a 2 days training – 1st and 2nd June 2011 - on tachograph manipulations consisting of a theoretical and a practical block.

July 3rd 2013
Steering Committee ECR - Ostend
On June 20th and 21st the second and final Steering Committee under the Belgian presidency took place in Ostend.
The Belgian presidency oversaw quite a few important developments in the evolution of ECR, most notably perhaps the move towards an independent ECR by 2015.

July 3rd 2013
3 days concerted roadside action in Northeast Hungary
The next round of regional checks were carried out near Debrecen from the 12th to the 14th June. Hajdu Bihar county’s Transport Inspectorate was pleased to host the event, which has been planned to be a regular bilateral exchange with the Czech Republic, however despite the ongoing administrative and financial difficulties the Hungarian organizators were delighted to be able welcome the inspectors from Romania (ISCTR) and Slovakia (NIP) as well.

July 2nd 2013
Tuesday 18 June 2013: Euro Contrôle Route (ECR), the working group that represents European national transport inspection services and Ireland’s Road Safety Authority (RSA) have called on EU Member States to provide additional manpower to National Inspectorates and Police forces for road traffic enforcement of commercial operators (buses and goods vehicles).
The conference took place in the Royal Hospital Kilmainham, in Dublin, Ireland

June 28th 2013
ECR-TISPOL Master Class on Digital Tachograph Fraud and Speed Limiter manipulation
Euro Contrôle Route (ECR) and TISPOL hosted the seventh master class on digital tachograph fraud in Osnabruck from June 25th until June 29th. Ms. Menke from the Osnabruck police and Mr. Pernutz from the BAG opened proceedings and in their opening speech stressed the importance of well trained enforcement staff in light of the ever increasing problem of tachograph manipulation.

June 22nd 2013
Master class digital Tachograph fraud June 2010
The master class on digital tachograph fraud was once again a great success. The kick-off was given by Mr. Robert Maiworm, vice-president of the BAG.

June 21st 2013
Multilateral Exchange Debrecen, Hungary
Debrecen, 2-7 May 2010
In accordance with the work plan of Euro Controle Route the Hungarian National Transport Authority hosted the multilateral exchange programme held 2-7 May 2010 in Debrecen.

June 7th 2013
Multilateral regional roadside check in Zala county, Hungary
On invitation of the National Transport Authority and the host Zala County Transport Inspectorate a 3 days major multilateral enforcement action has been conducted on main transit corridors of southwestern Hungary from 15th to the 18th May with participation of 4 countries.

June 3rd 2013
Multilateral Exchange Budapest
Following 2010 and 2011 the National Transport Authority (NTA) was again the proud host of an Euro Controle Route exchange held from the 5th to 10th May 2013. The event in Hungary was primarily focused around the exchange of experience and knowledge on roadside technical inspections as well as detection of tachograph fraud.

May 30th 2013
Middle Management Conference - 2011
On May 17th and 18th the ECR Middle Management conference took place. The conference was the follow-up of a pilot conference in Gatwick in 2009. The conference was hosted in the Benelux buildings, where the ECR secretariat is housed.
The target audience for the conference, the middle management, can be defined as follows: inspectorate staff who have a clear knowledge of what goes on in the field on a day to day basis and are at the same time in the position to influence the control practices and policy of their organisation.The event had participants from eleven member states: Belgium, Germany, United Kingdom, Luxemburg, Spain, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Poland, Ireland and the Netherlands.

May 27th 2013
Czech-Hungarian bilateral control in the area of Brno
From the 9th May to 13th May 2011 one control unit of the Vas county transport inspectorate on behalf of the Hungarian National Transport Authority has conducted a joint action on invitation with the Czech partner authority (CSPSD) and police focusing mainly on tachograph manipulation cases in order to exchange practical experiences on the best methods of detection.