May 25th 2013
Benelux truck inspection action at Sterpenich discontinued following toxic liquid leak:
We might have missed a catastrophe by a hair’s breadth Thursday in the early afternoon, at the customs area of Sterpenich along the Belgian-Luxembourg border.

May 3rd 2013
Roadside aggression against traffic inspectors, discussed at the multilateral exchange in Bucharest,
Inspectors from the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Spain, Poland, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, together with the Romanian colleagues from the Romanian Road Transport Authority – (ARR) gathered for a week (17 – 22 April 2011) to learn about inspection procedures and national legislation in Romania in the field of road transport area, with the focus on the frauds in digital tachograph fraud and roadside aggression against towards control officers.
The first day of the exchange allowed the Romanian Road Transport Authority – ARR to make an overview of its competences (old and newly acquired) and of its structure, to thoroughly present the Road Inspectorate and its organisation, and to tackle with the roadside check procedure, making it possible for the participants to understand ARR functioning and attributions at national and European level.

April 25th 2013
The date: Sunday 14th 2013. Outside the Holiday Inn hotel in Leiden, the ECR flag is raised. The multilateral exchange in the Netherlands is about to start. During the course of the afternoon the 17 participants arrive from the airport and train station, chauffeured by their Dutch counterparts.

April 19th 2013
2nd regional concerted roadside check in Western Hungary
After the 1st such round of close regional cooperation succesfully initiated in Slovakia last September the National Transport Authority hosted a follow-up 2 days complex roadside check event 5th-6th April with the participation of the Croatian, Czech, Slovak and Slovenian inspectors in GyÅr-Moson-Sopron county, Hungary.

April 10th 2013
TRACE project presents outcome to EU member states at the general secretariat of the Benelux
The EC co-financed project TRACE organised a roll out of the project outcome to policy makers at the Benelux General Secretariat in Brussels on March 27th. The Trace consortium groups all stakeholders in the European enforcement environment: Euro Contrôle Route (ECR), CORTE, TISPOL en VOSA.

March 14th 2013
ECR-TISPOL and industry tackling problems together
During the 1st IRU/EU presidency road transport conference on December 1st 2010, the European Ministers of Transport , presided by State-secretary Etienne Schouppe (BE)under the Belgian EU presidency, adopted a joint statement on the need for public-private partnership in the field of road transport.
Amongst others the importance of a harmonised interpretation and enforcement of all EU rules was put forward.
For Euro Contrôle Route and TISPOL the importance of a constructive dialogue with the industry has always been clear. As a result both organisations decided to sign a declaration of intent with the IRU establishing a ‘public/private partnership for better regulatory compliance, greater roadsafety and security as well as a business friendly operating environment for commercial road transport’.
The document was signed during the IRU’s Spring cocktail on March 2nd 2011.

March 1st 2013
ECR in search of enforcement technology of the future
Any enforcer will tell you that one of the main challenges they face is that enforcement staff is outnumbered by the vast numbers of HGV’s and coaches involved in the European logistic chain.
Not all of these trucks are non-compliant of course, but because of the ongoing internationalisation and growing numbers involved in this ever expanding industry it is easier for the black sheep to hide than in other modes of transport.
A potential solution is data driven and risk based enforcement. To achieve this, reliable collection of enforcement data is needed. In the current climate of budget and personnel cuts, technological support is more vital than ever.
WIM (weigh in motion) systems are currently being used in several member states, but the exchange of WIM data between MS’s is not in place yet and the systems could potentially be used for more enforcement fields than they currently are.
Time to have a look at what is technically possible: now and in the near future.

January 24th 2013
IRU hosts ECR online complaints desk for disproportionate fines and sanctions
The International Road Transport Union (IRU) is hosting the Euro Control Route (ECR), Disproportionate Fines & Sanctions online complaints desk as a cornerstone of the public-private partnership between the IRU and the EU Enforcement Community, aiming to create a harmonised and efficient enforcement of EU road transport legislation.

January 8th 2013
Enforcement and Industry push for enforceable legislation
On December 18th Euro Contrôle Route (ECR), TISPOL and IRU took part in a conference on the enforcement of road transport legisation organized by MEP’s Corien Wortmann (CDA, NL) ,Peter van Dalen (ChristenUnie, NL), members of the EP Transport and Tourism Committee.