July 11th 2012
A week with the land transport inspectors...
Each year for several years now, the land transport inspectors department has taken charge of organising an exchange and training week with their counterparts from other European countries.

January 10th 2012
Enforcers and IRU brief top EC Officials on Problems applying EU Transport Rules
Euro Contrôle Route, TISPOL and the IRU briefed the EU Transport Commissioner’s cabinet on problems faced by both control bodies and industry trying to apply or comply with EU road transport rules.

November 23rd 2011
Second EC conference on roadside technical checks and cargo securing
The second EC conference on cargo securing and roadside technical checks took place on October 4th and 5th in Dresden.

May 24th 2011
C.A.S.H. - A reality Check on European Road freight Safety
14 April 2011 Brussels.
Mr. Gerard Schipper attended this event on behalf of the Executive Committee with TISPOL representative Mr. Bonthuis. ECR had been asked to take part in the event, because of their expertise on digital tachogrpaph fraud.

May 18th 2011
Belgian and Dutch transport inspectors conduct joint truck safety checks
On the morning of Wednesday, 27 April 2011, the Belgian inspection service of the FPS Mobility and Transport and the Dutch inspection service of the « Inspectie Verkeer en Waterstaat (IVW) performed a joint truck safety inspection. During such an action one checks the compliance with the obligatory driving and rest times for the drivers (tachograph fraud) as well as for the possibility of excess loads. The vehicles were also subject to a detailed technical inspection.

October 21st 2010
Euro Contrôle route: 1st master class - dangerous goods.
The first ADR Master Class was held from 5 to 7 October on the premises of the General Secretariat of the Benelux. The Master Class was organised by Euro Contrôle Route. The class was introduced by Mr Luc Willems, Deputy Secretary-General, who highlighted the importance of cooperation between the Benelux and Euro Contrôle Route.

August 5th 2010
Expert Panel for DG MOVE Impact Assessment on Recording Equipment in Road Transport
In the context of review of the legislation on recording equipment in road transport, UK consultancy Europe Economics has been commissioned by DG Move to support the revision of Regulation (EEC) n° 3821/85

August 5th 2010
The TRACE project (Transport Regulators Align Control Enforcement) is now officially underway. The project is funded by the European Commission and it will be lead by VOSA (Vehicle and Operator Services Agency, United Kingdom). Euro Contrôle Route (ECR) together with CORTE is the main project partner. TISPOL (European Traffic Police Network) will have an advisory role on the project.

February 16th 2009
Road transport: an important step towards harmonised rules on enforcement
The European Commission adopted today a directive that establishes a common grading of the most common infringements to the so-called "social rules" in the road transport sector (those that govern driving hours and rest periods of professional drivers in the EU).

February 16th 2009
Euro Contrôle Route in 2009: exchange programmes remain absolute priority.
On 15 and 16 January 2009 at the Benelux General Secretariat an ECR experts working group met to plan the joint training of European road inspectors in 2009.

February 16th 2009
Bilateral exchange (AT-HU) in Szigetszentmiklós
Close professional relations of the Austrian (Bundesanstalt für Verkehr) and Hungarian (National Transport Authority) transport authorities are not recent development, since it all began within the frame of Phare twinning project in 2002, but the idea of common checks has been raised this spring.